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Sage_Ubs Version 9.5 launch

Sage_Ubs version 9.5 has been updated with tools and add-ons that are simple to use and builds on established and trusted features. The aim is to add more value and increase productivity for your business.

UBS Accounting

Electronic Credit Card Terminal (ECCT)
From versatility to flexibility, ECCT is a step towards e-commerce. Accepting payment from ATM/debit cards and electronic cheques can help improve sales. Credit card transaction support encourages customer purchasing, stimulates impulse buying, improves business growth and provides better cash flow management. This new payment mode was introduced by Sage_Ubs accounting software to enforce simplicity in credit card payment management.

Simply connect your credit card terminal to Sage UBS Accounting to enjoy the ECCT benefits:

Simple all-in-one Screen
– Immediate processing of receipt transaction where outstanding documents can be offset simultaneously.

Data Integrity and traceability
– Approval code and invoice number will be captured directly into the system for future reference and traceability.

Saves time and minimize error
– Financial entries are auto-generated upon successful processing of the credit card transaction.

SAGE_Ubs Payroll:
Spending too much time on payroll processing? Sage UBS Payroll is the key to saving time and it is so easy to use! Sage_Ubs payroll have incorporate enhanced features to ease data entry and provide you a peace of mind through better traceability and accountability

Quick Entry
Enables management of “Allowance”, “Deduction”, “Overtime” and “Others” in a single screen.
– Able to view total summary for easy payroll entry before payroll processing.
– Saves time.
– Eliminate errors.

12 Months Figure Update
Ability to view and check changes made by users.
– Accountability.
– Traceability where unusual or unauthorized changes can be detected.
– Error and problem detection.

[box] Call us now for any queries or Free demo: 6746 2613 / 62271797 email:[/box]

ST – Accounting Software Assistance Scheme | ezaccounting

Accounting software is a helpful tool to assist businesses to improve their record keeping practices and tax compliance. To encourage businesses to use accounting software, IRAS has partnered Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) to provide a subsidy scheme. From 1 Jul 2009 till 31 Mar 2012, GST-registered businesses can apply to IDA for a grant to defray the costs of purchasing accounting software that are listed in the IRAS’ Accounting Software Register.

Scope of the Scheme

GST-registered businesses which qualify under this scheme will receive a subsidy of up to 50% of the cost of the accounting software and for costs related to installation/deployment and training on use of the software, up to a maximum of S$1,500.

Conditions of the Scheme

Businesses that wish to apply for assistance under this scheme must meet the following conditions:

1. The business is registered or incorporated in Singapore with
a. Local equity/shareholding of at least 30%
b. Group fixed assets worth less than S$15 million*
c. Staff strength of not more than 200 employees* (for companies in the services/non-manufacturing sector)
2. The business is GST-registered and will remain GST-registered for 12 months or more after submission of the application for the subsidy, subject to the GST legislation
3. The business is currently not using any accounting software or system, and the business has not applied for, obtained, or will be obtaining any other tax/financial assistance (i.e. subsidy/grant) for software performing the same function.
4. The accounting software must be listed in the IRAS’ Accounting Software Register.
5. The business must email a copy of the IRAS Audit File (IAF) generated by the accounting software which covers data for one GST prescribed accounting period, to IRAS.
*Computed on a group basis i.e. checking up to three levels for corporate shareholders holding 20% or more of the total shareholding in the company and one level down where the company holds more than 50% of the shareholding in a subsidiary company.

For More Information

Please Visit SPRING Singapore –

The scheme is effective from 1 Jul 2009. Businesses which are interested must fill in the application form, submit to IDA and await IDA’s reply BEFORE purchase of the accounting software. For more details of the application process, please refer to IDA.

Features of Computerized Accounting System

Salient features of Accounting System as a Software

Source : The Institute of Chartered Accountants

A computerized accounting environment will therefore have the following salient features:

  1. Fast, Powerful, Simple and Integrated: Computerized accounting is designed to automate and integrate all the business operations, such as sales, finance, purchase, inventory and manufacturing. With computerized accounting, accurate, up-to-date business information is literally at the fingertips. Computerized accounting has user-definable templates which provides fast, accurate data entry of the transactions. Computerized accounting has the ability to handle huge volumes of transactions without compromising on speed or efficiency.
  2. Complete Visibility & Scalability: With Computerized accounting the company will have greater visibility into the day-to-day business operations and access to vital information. Computerized accounting adapts to the current and future needs of the business, irrespective of its size or style.
  3. Customized: Computerized accounting allows the company to enter data in a variety of ways which makes work a pleasure. Adapting to the specific business needs is possible. Hence, a software can be tailor-made accordingly to the need of the business.
  4. For quick decision making & improved Business Performance: Computerized accounting is a highly integrated application that transforms the business processes with its performance enhancing features which encompass accounting, inventory, reporting and statutory processes. This helps the company access information faster, and takes quicker decisions. Computerized accounting also guarantees real-time optimization of operations and enhanced communication. It generates real-time, comprehensive MIS reports and ensures access to complete and critical information, instantly.

Feel free to ring us for any queries:  

Computerized Accounting System 

Local Enterprise Technical Assistance Scheme (LETAS)

The Local Enterprise Technical Assistance Scheme (LETAS) provides grant for enterprises to engage external consultants to implement quality management and IT systems, including ISO certification and upgrading of computer systems.LETAS subsidises up to 50% of the costs of hiring the consultant#. The funding support for IT projects does not cover hardware and software costs. Funding support for Quality Management system projects does not cover certification fees.

# For Quality Management System and IT E-commerce projects, it is subject to a maximum grant cap of $5,000 or 50% of consultancy cost (whichever is lower). For IT implementation projects, it is subject to a maximum grant cap of $10,000 or 50% of consultancy cost (whichever is lower).


You can apply for the Local Enterprise Technical Assistance Scheme if your company meets these criteria :

registered or incorporated in Singapore
at least 30% of your shareholding is local
your company’s group fixed assets are worth below $15 million*
you have not more than 200 employees (for companies in the services sector)*
* Computed on a group basis i.e. checking up to three levels for corporate shareholders holding 20% or more of the total shareholding in the company and one level down where the company holds more than 50% of the shareholding in a subsidiary company

How to apply?

Before you apply

1. Read the LETAS Terms & Conditions (WORD format, 48kB) for more details.
2. Find a consultant for your project.
3. Obtain a Project Proposal from your consultant. For IT projects, please use the LETAS Implementation / E-Commerce Consultancy Format (Word format, 45kB).
4. Ensure that the project and business both qualify for LETAS.
5. Prepare all the supporting documents :
* business’ latest profile from ACRA
* financial statements
* Consultant Project Proposal
* Consultant CV

Applying for LETAS

6. Download the LETAS Application Form (WORD format, 281kB).
7. Submit the Application Form with all the supporting documents.
8. Wait 2 – 3 weeks for SPRING to reply. You can start on your project
1 day after submitting your application form – it will not affect the outcome in any way. Bear in mind that your application may be rejected.
Upon successful application

9. Receive Letter of Offer, LETAS Claim Form (WORD format, 227kB) and LETAS Terms & Conditions (WORD format, 48kB).
10. Start on the project within 6 months of receiving the Letter of Offer.
11. Keep proper financial records. E.g. expenses, invoices, receipts relating to the project.
12. Keep proper project records. E.g. scope, timeline, deliverables, progress reports, project sign-offs, and evaluation reports.
13. Get your consultant to provide a LETAS Consultant Assignment Report (WORD format, 23kB). You will need this report to claim for funds.
14. Pay the consultant in full before submitting your claim.
Claiming for funds

15. Complete and submit LETAS Claim Form (WORD format, 227kB) and LETAS Declaration Form (Word Format, 87kB). Attach the supporting documents :

  • invoices
  • receipts (including cheque number)
  • bank statements (to show payment and clearance of cheques)
  • Consultant Assignment Report
  • project sign-off (for IT implementation/E-Commerce

Note : Claim must be received within 6 months from the scheduled completion date of the assignment. Otherwise, the offer of the grant shall automatically lapse.

16. Wait 3 – 4 weeks to receive the funds. To receive funds through interbank giro, complete and submit the Giro form (PDF format, 96kB) with your Claim form. Applicants not on the giro scheme will be given a cheque.
For More Information

Please Visit SPRING Singapore –   

EZ Accounting is the leading accounting software provider in Singapore.  Are you Looking best accounting software in Singapore?

Reach Us – /(65) 6227 0761 (Support)

Which Accpac Version Should I Buy?

There are 3 types: Sage 100 / Sage 200 / Sage 500 Sage Accpac 100:

Sage Accpac accounting software 100 is a completely Web-based solution specifically designed for the growing company that requires complete accounting and operations solutions. This scalable solution provides you with the financial power you need – at a price you can afford.

Sage Accpac 200: Sage Accpac 200 is completely web-based, and an affordable and expandable business management solution for medium-sized accounting environments. It offers good and great analysis and reporting tools and a complete accounting feature set, with operations management capabilities

Sage Accpac 500: Sage Accpac 500 is a comprehensive, multitiered, Web-based business management system that provides access to your accounting system via a standard Web browser or the traditional ACCPAC desktop interface.

Sage Accpac 500 is designed for medium to large-sized businesses, typically those with multiple locations operating in the global marketplace. With powerful analysis, reporting and customization options, it is best for companies requiring a highly scalable system that supports global business infrastructures and unlimited users.

To know more about the Accpac Accounting Software read our blog posts. For further queries, you can email us or call us + 65 6227 1797 / +65 6746 2613 to get instant solution.

Top 5 Business Accounting Mistakes

Top 5 Business Accounting Mistakes

Most of the entrepreneurs have an idea to start a new business. But 90 % of startup business fails within a few years. Improper financial handling is one of the big reason for startup fails. In this post, we discuss the top 5 business accounting mistakes.

Common Business Accounting Mistakes

  • Blur the Line between Personal and Business Finances
  • Lax Accounting Practices
  • Declaring Revenue before Final Delivery
  • Mismanagement of Capital Expenditures
  • Limited Financial Analysis

Blur the Line between Personal and Business Finances

Startup business people forget to separate their finances from business finances. That is a major issue for startup business owners. In the starting stage, it is not a big problem. When the business grows, this the blurred line between your personal and business finances that is a major problem for future business decision making. To avoid such problem you can use Quicken Accounting Software which helps you to maintain separate personal and business account for financial Purpose.

Lax Accounting Practices

Most of the startup business owners are not hire an expert accountant. Because they are mostly focused on other things such as payroll, bank reconciliation. To avoid such confusion you can purchase accounting software for your business. Accounting software helps you to track the financial transactions, accounts payable, accounts receivable, etc. We provide the best accounting software for Small business.

Declaring Revenue before Final Delivery  

Before determining the business profit you have to consider your business expenses. For a start-up business, it is one of the important things. Our suggestion is to declare your revenue before the final delivery.

Mismanagement of Capital Expenditures

You have heard many startups that have an extraordinary year, just to be compelled to close down the next year. They make a mistake in spending spree with money from their cash flow. This is one of the dangerous tactics for small business owners. For this purpose, you have to use separate your personal and business financial accounts.

Limited Financial Analysis

Before starting the business you have to do budgeting and forecasting. Through this analyze, you can adjust your business budget as the business develop. You should monitor the business status regularly. For this purpose, you can use the Sage UBS Accounting software that provides up to date financial report for your business. To improve the budgeting and forecasting you can read the blog:

Avoid these common business accounting mistakes in your startup business. Get success in your business.

For further details call our Singapore accounting software support team at 65-6746 2613 or 65-6227 1797 (9 Lines) or Email us on

Sage UBS Software Benefits

Sage UBS Software Benefits

In 1990 Sage UBS Software is developed by UBS Corporation Bhd. This software is simple to use and generate reports. They offer various kind of software. Such as

  • Sage UBS Accounting
  • Sage UBS Inventory and Billing
  • Sage UBS Payroll
  • Sage UBS Point of Sale

In this post, you will know about the sage UBS software benefits and features.

Benefits of Sage UBS Accounting Software

  • You can able to generate standard and user-defined financial reports
  • Improves cash flow and asset management
  • You can integrate your Sage UBS accounting software with Sage UBS stock control and sage UBS aster register.

Features of Sage UBS Accounting Software

  • All accounting functions can speed up
  • Multiple company transactions can be handled
  • Multiple currency functions
  • GST computation functions
  • Data access security
  • 18 months transactions can be handled
  • Gain and loss computation functions

Benefits of Sage UBS Inventory and Billing

  • You can integrate the Sage UBS Inventory and billing software with Sage UBS Accounting software
  • You can generate the inventory reports
  • Sales order processes and purchase can be encompassed
  • Inventory parts tracking

Features of Sage UBS Inventory and Billing

  • Multiple company transactions can be handled
  • Different levels of data security provided
  • Foreign currency can be maintained
  • Using unique serial codes you can able to track the stocks.
  • It has multiple payment modes

Using this software you can able to generate reports. Those reports are

  • Cash sales report
  • Invoices report
  • Delivery order report
  • Sales order report
  • Purchase order report
  • Stock aging reports
  • The gross profit analysis report
  • The multi-store sales analysis report
  • Yearly sales and purchase report

Benefits of Sage UBS Payroll

  • Able to track annual and monthly leaves
  • You can calculate the pay monthly wise, day-wise and hourly wise
  • Able to generate payslips

You can able to generate the following reports using this software. Those are

  • Payslip reports
  • Personnel report
  • Payroll report
  • Leave reports
  • Pay summary (includes basic pay, deductions, overtime, etc)

Benefits of Sage UBS Point of Sale

  • It helps the retail owners to track essential and relevant information for effective business growth.
  • Helps in speedup sales transactions
  • You can get customer trend analysis report.
  • Security management features

You can able to generate the following reports. Those are

  • Cash receipts reports
  • Sales analysis reports
  • Salesperson performance report
  • Inventory reports for management control

These are the features and benefits of Sage UBS software. To know more about the Sage UBS Accounting software Read our blog:

For further details call us +6562271797 / +6567462613 or email us on

Tips To Improve Your Business Budgeting & Forecasting

9 tips improve business budgeting

Budget and forecast help you to make a business strategic plan. In this article, we will discuss how to improve your business budgeting and forecasting to achieve your business financial goals.

Few Tips to Improve Budgeting and Forecasting

  • Keep Budgeting and Forecasting Flexible
  • Implement Rolling Forecasts and Budgets
  • Budget to Your Plan
  • Communicate Early and Often
  • Entire Team Involvement
  • Be Clear About Your Goals
  • Plan for Various Scenarios
  • Include Profit and Cash Flow Goals
  • Let Excel Go

Keep Budgeting and Forecasting Flexible

Always keep flexible business budgeting and forecasting. That helps you to provide a more accurate and best result for your business. If these things are not flexible, it may affect your business.

Implement Rolling Forecasts and Budgets

Based on the business performance result you can roll out the forecast and budget of your business. You should do the forecast for every quarter, not for the entire year. By doing like this you can able to adjust your business plan budget to improve the accuracy of your projections.

Budget to Plan

Initially make your business plan and then merge your budget to it. To make a budget plan you have to know the actual revenue.

 Communicate Early and Often

Forecasting and budgeting may affect the business’s every aspect. To minimize those issues you have to communicate with all departments and monitor their entire work process. Through this monitoring, you can make some alignment in your business operational and organizational strategies.

Entire Team Involvement

Team Effort is an important one in Budgeting and forecasting. Financial department people always predict accurate and realistic budget for business by using all department information. The entire team provides various perspective budgets that explain how the business is going and how the business could be in the future.

Be Clear About Your Goals

Forecast’s main purpose is to predict the business’s financial future. Based on the forecast, you can able to decide by understanding the previous process implementation’s impacts. If you are clear about your business goal, then you can accurately predict the business’s financial future.

Plan for Various Scenarios

You have to review the external market and economic trends that may affect the business. For this purpose, you have to roll out the forecast to stay on the top.

Include Profit and Cash Flow Goals

In budgeting and forecasting, you have to include the profit and cash flow goals. These two metrics should be tracked for decision making.

Let Excel Go

Excel and spreadsheets are not the most reliable source to do budget and forecast. Just Go for Singapore Accounting Software.

These are the few tips to improve your business budgeting and forecasting. For further details, Visit us

Time Tracking Software Improves SMB Accounting Productivity

Time Tracking Software Improves SMB Accounting Productivity

Small business people had made some outsourcing in the area of accounting and finance due to the development of new technologies and software products. By outsourcing, they feel that we can control costs, improve productivity, minimizes the risks and business objectives achieved rapidly.

For the following beyond areas, small business owners outsource their product and service. Those are

  • Accounts payable
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Payroll accounting

Time Tracking Software

Time tracking software is the most important human resource tool for SMEs. Through the time tracking software employees can easily track their timesheet and managers can able to analyze and track the employee’s productivity levels.

Time Tracking Software Benefits

  • Measures employee performance
  • Improve performance reviews
  • Assessing appropriate staffing levels
  • Improve employee’s performance

Measures Employee Performance

Through this software, business owners can able to identify how employees spent time on each project. Based on the employee performance report you can reward the high performing employee and that motivates other employees to perform high.

Enhance Performance Reviews

Employee’s productivity levels are measured by the manager. That can be easily compared to other employees and other groups.

Assessing Appropriate Staffing Levels

Through the time tracking software report, business people can able to control the payroll cost against week employee performance or inadequate staffing.

Improves Employee Performance

Through time tracking software, the employee can able to monitor them self. They can easily manage their time to complete their projects. In the time tracking system, they can able to set the performance goals, action list with necessary steps.

Finding the Best Time Tracking Software for Your Business

Each business is unique and different. So they need a unique set of time tracking features. Time tracking features have sore features such as

  • Easy to use
  • Able to generate comprehensive reports
  • Mobile and GPS capabilities
  • Able to generate employee alerts
  • Able to generate reminders

We (User Basic Software) are the best accounting software provider in Singapore. We specialize in customizing the accounting software based on your business requirement. We also provide Quicken software, Payroll software, Retail POS software, Inventory software, Sage UBS Accounting Software, Sage UBS inventory software, etc. Are you looking for the best accounting software for your business? You are at the right place. To book your software demo schedule your meeting with us through call +65-6746 2613 or +65-6227 1797 (9 Lines) or Email us  It’s your time to get exciting offers!! Hurry up!!

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